Monday, 27 December 2010

What my University advises me to do...

Top 10 tips - home

1.   Put an end to Junk mail It is possible to stop junk mail! Either register with the Mailing Preference Service at or call 0845 703 4599 to stop addressed mail, or to avoid unaddressed mail opt out at And don’t forget - recycle any junk mail you do receive.

2.   Buy energy saving light bulbs If every household installed just one energy saving light bulb, the electricity saved in a year could power the Blackpool Illuminations for nearly 900 years. To go one step further replace old appliances with energy efficient (A or A+ rated) ones.

3.   Switch off Turn appliances off at the mains, rather than leaving them on standby. It is estimated that if everyone in the UK turned equipment off standby we could shut down 2 power stations. Monitor the temperature in your fridge and freezer and keep them full to save even more energy.

4.   Wash at 30o Doing your washing at 30o rather than a higher temperature saves you money and saves energy. Also, try hanging your washing out to dry rather than using the tumble-dryer.

5.   Save water Taking a shower instead of a bath uses around a fifth of the water, and you can reduce this even further by installing a low flow shower head. You can also use a ‘hippo’ water saver in the cistern of your toilet, make sure none of your taps are dripping and harvest rainwater to use in the garden.  

6.   Turn the heating down Reducing the temperature of your heating by 1o can cut your bill by up to 10% and closing your curtains at night helps to keep warm air in and cold air out!.

7.   Cook greener Try to cut down on take-aways and ready meals, and cook using local fresh ingredients. Only use just enough water to cover vegetables, and use the right size ring on the hob. Eating less meat is good for you, and much better for the environment, as it uses more energy and water to produce meat than to produce vegetables or cereals. Compost any vegetable waste left over from cooking.

8.   Recycle Most of us recycle glass, cans, paper, even plastics, but there are a whole host of other items that we should be recycling. Many charities accept mobile phones, ink cartridges, stamps and old coins either to sell on or recycle; items like batteries, clothes, textiles and shoes can all be recycled in recycling banks found in household recycling centres and many supermarkets. For more information check out Aston’s Recycling A-Z or try your local recycling guide.

9.   Change energy supplier Signing up to a green energy supplier or green tariff means you are reducing your carbon emissions and supporting renewable energies. Try or to change from your current supplier.

10.   Insulate Insulating your walls and loft space can dramatically reduce the amount of energy you use to heat your home. Insulating your hot water tank and piping reduces heat loss.

Top 10 tips - shopping

1.   Reuse carrier bags Reuse your standard carrier bags, buy a “bag for life” or use more durable cotton/material shopping bags. Say no to bags at the till.

2.   If you’re not going to eat it, don’t buy it Plan your weekly meals so you can stick to a shopping list. Freeze leftovers and reuse them. Compost any vegetable waste.

3.   Eat more fresh and local stuff Buy local, fresh produce where possible, it’s healthier and reduces food miles from food being transported from abroad. It’s also a good way to support your local community.

4.   Choose less packaging Buy fruit and vegetables loose. Buy a larger packet to save having to buy smaller ones. Choose refillable options where possible.

5.   Buy recycled/recyclable Buy recycled toilet roll, tissues and computer/writing paper. Look out for recycled packaging on other groceries - some products have biodegradable packaging that can go into your compost bin. Choose items that can be easily recycled such as glass, tins or plastic bottles.

6.   Think ethical There are so many options available now – you can buy Fairtrade / organic / local / sustainably sourced versions of nearly all products, even items you might not be aware of like seafood, clothes, cleaning products, and cut flowers. If these aren’t available, try asking shops why they don’t stock them. 

7.   Reuse and donate Reuse items where possible – look for good quality when you’re out shopping. When you do want to replace something, why not donate the old item to a charity shop or sell on eBay to earn some cash. With clothes, why not try a swishing party among friends – a great way to acquire something new and clear out the old, all for free!

8.   Use your library Rather than buying a new book every time you want to read something new, check out your local library. You can save money, and benefit the environment at the same time.

9.   Avoid drive-through Try not to buy take-aways, fast food and ready meals. These are not only bad for the environment because of the impact from their product sourcing, transport and packaging, but you might find that cutting them out of your diet makes you feel a lot healthier too!

10.   Buy FSC certified wood products If you’re doing your own DIY, the best option is to use recycled timber. However, for ready made products, the next best choice is FSC certified timber. FSC certification guarantees your timber comes from a well-managed forest according to internationally-agreed standards. Many furniture stores now offer these products.


For more information: Aston University: How you can help!

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